The back button apk is a standard feature in smartphone applications. It’s usually located at the top of the screen and it provides an easy way to back out of any given page or menu.
However, this functionality can be tricky for users who are not accustomed to touchscreen navigation.
This back button apk application is designed to make life easier for all Android phone owners by providing a simple back button that works with one touch!
Sometimes accidents can happen to the mobile phone, and due to stress, you may not be able to touch properly on certain buttons.
Sometimes our phones break in an accident where they stop working. So there are two options: either go get it repaired or download a Back button apk for your android device.
Information of Back Button Apk
App Download Version | 2.2 |
Last Updated | 2 Days Ago |
Apk Size | N/A |
App by | Nice Launcher Apps |
Category | Android Launchers |
Support Android Version | 4.1 |
Back Button Apk For Android

This app will give you the option to create new buttons on your screen and operate your phone easily. There are lots of these apps online, but some need rooting or jailbreaking their devices in order for their work properly with Android phones or else they won’t show up at all!
Android users are finally free from the burden of paying for expensive repairs because this app can be used to fix any issue with your phone.
It works on all Android versions without rooting and has been specially designed so that you don’t have too much technical knowledge, which enables anyone who downloads it from their Play Store library!
Finally, there is an answer; a service center will never provide such convenience tools as these ones do in minutes just by pressing one button: download Back Button APK now.
This app has not had many features as shown in its name (Back Button apk). But you can drag and drop your buttons anywhere on the screen if you want to change their location, long-press it then drags where ever.
There is also an option for setting up different ways of using the back button; such as moving left or right so that instead of going backward in apps like Facebook when pressed with one finger tap down while holding another two fingers close together over top! And even have four choices: Bottom Right Left Top!
Downloading this app will allow you to change your icon size in just one click. You can set it as large or small and transparent so that no matter where on the screen they are hidden from view you’ll still have all of their functions available!
This is not an old version for Android; make sure when downloading apks that only work with newer versions (including 4.4) if yours has been updated since then don’t worry because we’ve got everything under control here at Wallingtonwindowsand Doors Company Ltd.
How to Install Back Button Apk
Here is a quick guide on how to install the app from your phone!
- The first step in downloading any apk file is clicking “Download” at its respective location on our website.
- This is the part where you need to be careful. Double-check that it says “allow unknown sources” in settings.
- Then, open your apk and click the “install” button.
- Now You can see your app dashboard, and you’ll be able to operate easily with the location of where want you list to show. New Icons or old ones demo are also shown when clicking on checkmark for new option; going back one step will change which button appears at top right corner by pressing either left mouse click icon (for lefties) or wheel click symbol – just as usual way if using cursor keys while typing into virtual keyboard!
- Now you need to change Accessibility from your setting so that it is easier for people with disabilities. Click on button Setting-Accessibility And then select the Softkeys option (off). Open and click “Turn On” When done making changes, close all windows or tabs before finishing this activity.
Issues of Soft Keys Apk
When we are using back button apps on our Android phones, it can be dangerous if the app needs permission to access folders or read your contacts.
If you have an active camera shutter while sending media in Whatsapp for example with friends then things will go wrong because of these security risks associated with accessing those features through a separate process such as opening up Camera Shutter instead.
When not actively taking pictures which was how they were intended originally designed by their creators at least according to some sources online that I found researching this subject matter further before writing my paper.
Allowing permissions for certain apps can be a risky move. Disabling This application and then enabling permission to any app, as needed will allow you access again without worrying about safeties like back button capabilities on Android devices.
Also Download the Softkey apk here!
Download Latest Version Of Back Button (No Root) for Android
Final Notes.
The back button apk is a standard feature in smartphone applications. It’s usually located at the top of the screen and it provides an easy way to back out of any given page or menu and you teaching feeling apk.
If you’re looking for ways to go backward, check out our blog post on how to use your phone’s back button!